凭借当红青春剧集《绯闻女孩》中,情场浪子查克-巴斯一角而走红的男星爱德-维斯特维克将再次触电,出演由影坛常青树、“老牛仔”克林特-伊斯特伍德所开拍的传记影片《J. Edgar 胡夫传》。据悉,爱德-维斯特维克将在片中扮演一个兼具写作才华的FBI探员史密斯,而他的顶头上司便是由在好莱坞如题中天的小李哥莱昂纳多所饰演的主人公胡夫,在发现了史密斯在写作方面天赋秉义之后,胡夫便将撰写个人传记的工作交付给了史密斯,而随之这位年轻的干员也发现了胡夫不为人知的一面。 J. Edgar Hoover是美国联邦调查局的传奇人物,独霸局长宝座近半个世纪,被誉为是最高机密的守护者,和令人心生恐惧的神秘人物。之前有报道,查理兹-塞隆将扮演更随J. Edgar长达五十年之后的秘书Helen Gandy,但这位奥斯卡影后最终还是婉拒了《胡夫》片方的邀约。 更多双语资讯请点击>> Gossip Girl star Ed Westwick has landed a major supporting role in J. Edgar, the Clint Eastwood-directed drama about manipulative FBI director J. Edgar Hoover that stars Leonardo DiCaprio. At the same time, Charlize Theron will not be playing the role of Helen Gandy, as was rumored. She's signing on for Snow White and the Huntsman at Universal and Eastwood is now looking at Naomi Watts and Amy Adams as possibles for the Gandy role. As for Westwick, the British actor will play a clean cut operative with writing skill. Once Hoover discovers he can write, he conscripts Agent Smith to write Hoover's biography, until Smith gets a little too close to the truth. The film's produced by Brian Grazer's Imagine Entertainment and Eastwood's Malpaso. The Social Network's Armie Hammer also signed on to play Hoover's assistant and secret lover Clyde Tolson. 更多双语资讯请点击>> (责任编辑:admin) |