家长寄语:品质教育,星级服务 兰州格兰绿都伟才幼儿园 “品质教育,星级服务”,是伟才集团及加盟园所一直秉承的教育理念。作为伟才旗下的加盟幼儿园,兰州格兰绿都伟才幼儿园师资力量雄厚、具有成熟的教育教学模式,致力于幼儿的成长与学习,在幼儿的一日生活与学习中我们不断创新与进取,家长对于我们的认可就是给予我们最大的鼓励! 近日,中班王奕鑫的奶奶给我们发来这么一段话,她说: “通过我几天的观察谈谈我对您幼儿园的感受: 1、无论教室还是寝室、游戏场所,干净整洁,给人很享受的感觉; 2、饮食起居讲究卫生,饭前饭后洗手擦脸,做得面面俱到; 3、老师敬业有爱心,注重孩子的教育,做游戏、教舞蹈,认真为孩子上好每一节课; 4、关心生病的孩子,按时喂水喂药,床前抚摸安慰,疼爱有加; 5、各位老师们视孩子为己出,对孩子全是心投入,她们爱岗敬业无私奉献,她们外表美,心灵更美!幼儿教育的高尚道德和情操在她们身上充分彰显出来! 我代表我们全家感谢您,感谢您的团队,感谢你们为孩子的付出,感谢你们对幼教事业的敬业和奉献,孩子交给你们我们充分信任,十分放心! 请园长转达我们全家对中一班全体老师和保育员的问候和感谢之情,并祝您和您的团队:团结兴旺,蓬勃向上!” 感谢中一班家长对我们的理解与信任,有了你们的支持和鼓励,我们的付出和汗水才更加有价值!
× Encountering the beauty and joy of natural happiness 辽宁大连伟才伟才国际幼儿园 王梓懿爸爸 I got to know Great Man purely by coincidence. When I was worried about which kindergarten I could choose for my daughter, I asked myself “What is this school like? What kinds of teachers would be there? What type of education would be delivered?” All of these questions were the source of my motivation that ultimately led me to set foot at this school. “The theory of Multiple Intelligences”, “Full-English Environment”, “Closeness to foreign teachers”, “Unwillingness to go home”, “Respect for the natural happiness of children”… Since these educational theories suited our expectations for our child, I became determined and also felt lucky, believing that my daughter would be inspired by the beauty of these concepts. I cherished the opportunity that she would study happily, live happily, and grow happily. This beauty originated from the nature of this educational program. Time can testify of the truth of this. We were right to believe in this school. The best part of Ella’s time with Great Man was to witness her growth. She truly grew in beauty and in health, with happiness as an individual all year long. “Dad, do you know how to say ‘blanket’ in English?” “Mum, I learned the English word ‘butterfly’!” “Tiantian (my daughter), do you know how to say “dinosaur” in English?”… The purpose of education is not only knowledge, but when my daughter demonstrated each night how much she was really learning, she displayed such a proud sense of accomplishment; I was not only surprised by her keen intelligence, but I also admired the success of this situational education and the modeling of the language environment at Great Man. After experiencing “The Haunted Farm” during Halloween, “The Masque” during Christmas, Parents’ night home-school activities and “I Love Reading” parent-child reading seminar, I suddenly realized that it was not only my daughter who experienced ‘An Encounter with Beauty’ but also we parents did. During the activities, I was able to understand more about the colorful world of children’s imagination, the meaning of having fun together with children and I also learned that children’s growth needs to be accompanied by parents. Additionally, I gained the kind of pure happiness that I had not felt for a long time. I acknowledged that Great Man was a school for both children and parents. It can be said that it was the careful and meticulous care provided by the staff, the sincere smile we were given each day, the authentic language environment that was provided, and the kind consideration that was shown us made the beauty of this education based on kids’ happiness. Ella’s joyfulness started from the moment she joined this school, and it was the most natural feeling in the world.
× 宝贝在伟才幼儿园快乐成长 湖南常德幸福湾伟才幼儿园 徐玮杰妈妈 邓彩霞 时间过得好快,转眼间,宝贝入读伟才幼儿园已经是第三个学期了,仔细回想这几个学期以来,宝贝的表现真的是变化好大。当时为宝贝选择伟才幼儿园,是看中这是个有十几年“历史”的幼教老品牌,“追求幼儿生命自然成长”的教育理念深深打动了我们的心,而且他们的管理运作在幼儿园加盟领域享有很高的评价。我们选择的这所幼儿园也是伟才旗下的一所加盟幼儿园,环境设施、师资队伍都很不错,宝贝也用他的成长证明了我们的选择。 清晰地记得刚送他进幼儿园的第一天,刚到幼儿园就撅着个小嘴不肯说话了,到了教室就拉着我的裤角不放手。当时索菲老师就对我说:“球球妈妈你放心吧,新生刚开始是这样的,所以要请你们家长配合,要狠心把孩子留下,我们会照顾好他们的。”刚开始的时候他每天都拖拖拉拉,不让我离开,但是老师告诉我,等我一走,他就像变了一个人,不一会儿便和小朋友们“粘”在了一起,而放学时,也总要在教室玩一会儿,才恋恋不舍地离开。为了让他尽快适应幼儿园的生活,老师也总是对他非常关照,每次放学都温柔地暗示他:“球球明天来一定不拖拉,不迟到了好不好?”一段时间过后,他开始对幼儿园有了期待,每天回家还会愉快的和我交谈发生在幼儿园的一些关于他的和小朋友们的一些趣事。现在儿子到了幼儿园门口,会摇着手和我说再见,然后自己快乐地走进幼儿园,主动与老师问好。放学过来接他的时候,又会自豪地点着自己的额头,告诉我额头上的小红花是老师表扬奖给他的,看他那个自豪劲,我会莫名觉得欣慰。有时候他还会跟外教老师热情的give me five! 比起以前的时候最明显的就是宝贝会用普通话和我们大人们交流了,尽管有时候他说的“超级普通话”我们还不太理解,可是我们却看到了孩子在老师和家长的精心培育下茁壮成长!每天放学回来,他都会唱在幼儿园学到的儿歌给我们听,有时来了亲戚朋友,儿子一来劲,就表演了好多好多的节目——一会唱歌,一会跳舞,一会讲故事,把亲戚们逗得笑得合不拢嘴,我想这都离不开幼儿园里老师的细心教导。 作为幼儿时期的孩子,很简单可爱,也很感性。当他们有不良情绪时,我们要理解,更重要的是我们要疏导、化解,让不良情绪尽快释放,然而,在此过程中,我对孩子的爱不仅要有心,更要用心,家长们特别的爱给了孩子们温度,但是仅仅有温度远远不够,要做到既要有高度,又要把握力度,注重角度。这样,爱才能更温暖,更贴心。
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