招聘信息 Positions and Requirements (一)国家“青年千人计划” 1.申报范围为自然科学或工程技术领域; 2.具有博士学位,并有3年以上连续海外科研工作经历;在海外知名高校、科研机构或知名企业研发机构有正式教学或科研职位; 3.年龄不超过40周岁。海外取得博士学位的研究人员,如果取得突出研究成果或其他突出成绩,可以突破任职年限等限制,破格申报; 4.入选后全职来校工作。已经在国内工作的,回国时间应在一年以内。 (二)青年骨干教师(准聘教授、预聘副教授、预聘助理教授) 1.具有博士学历学位或本专业领域最高学历学位;原则上具有2年以上海外知名大学或学术机构科研学习工作经历; 2.掌握本学科的学术发展动态,有较强的学术影响力和突出的学术发展潜力,在科学研究方面取得同行公认的突出成果,具有独立发展一个研究方向的能力;以第一作者或通讯作者发表系列高水平学术论文; 3.准聘教授原则上不超过38周岁,预聘副教授原则上不超过35周岁,预聘助理教授原则上不超过32周岁。 (三)博士后研究人员 1.一般应为海内外高水平大学或研究机构新近毕业的博士毕业生,年龄不超过35周岁; 2.具有良好的学术背景,有很强的创新活力和学术潜能,具备独立开展研究工作的能力;以第一作者或通讯作者在研究领域重要刊物发表系列学术论文,有一定的学术影响力。 1. National "Youth Thousand Talents Program" (1) Areas: Natural Science or Technology Engineering. (2) PhD degree; more than three years' oversea experience in scientific research. The applicants should have a formal teaching position or equivalent positions in famous universities, research institutes, or famous companies overseas. (3) Under the age of 40. For those fresh graduates who have got outstanding research achievements during PHD program or for those who have great achievements, the age limits can be negotiated. (4) Work full time at BIT once recruited. Those who have returned to China within one year can be considered. 2. Outstanding Youth Teachers Program (Tenure-tracked Associate Professor and Assistant Professor) (1) Holds a PHD or the highest degree in specific areas; in principle, must have more than 2 years' learning and working experience in prestigious oversea universities or research institutes. (2) Has a good understanding of the academic development trend in his/her own field; has certain academic influence with highly recognized research achievements and presents great potential for future academic development; has the ability to develop new research directions; has published high-level research papers as the first author or corresponding author. (3) Under the age of 35 for associate professor and under the age of 32 for assistant professor. 3. Post Doctor (1) Generally, the applicant should be PHD graduate student under the age of 35 at prestigious universities or research institutes overseas. (2) Has good academic background, the vigor for creation, and potentials for academic development; has the ability to conduct research independently; has published high-level research papers as the first author or corresponding author. 二、相关待遇 Payment and Facilities (一)国家“青年千人计划” 1.国家给予入选者人民币50万元一次性补助,提供100-300万元科研经费,具有中国国籍者,可不受出国前户籍所在地的限制在北京落户; 2.学校聘任入选者为教授,博士生导师,提供博士生、硕士生专项招生指标; 3.学校按国家划拨经费标准(100-300万),1:1配套科研经费;安排办公实验用房; 4.聘期内实行年薪制,年薪35-42万元(不含学校缴纳的保险及公积金); 5.学校提供一定的安居条件及50万元安居补助; 6.协助解决配偶工作和子女入托入学等生活问题; 7.学校为参加“青年千人计划”会评答辩人员提供国际往返差旅费,对于参加会评但未入选的人员,根据其学术水平聘任至相对应的岗位。 (二)青年骨干教师(准聘教授、预聘副教授、预聘助理教授) 准聘教授: 1.聘任为博士生导师,提供博士生、硕士生专项招生指标; 2.聘期内实行年薪制,年薪35-42万元(不含学校缴纳的保险及公积金); 3.配套科研启动经费100万元; 4.协助解决子女入托入学等生活问题。 预聘副教授(特别研究员): 1.授予特别研究员称号,聘任为博士生导师,提供博士生、硕士生专项招生指标; 2.聘期内实行年薪制,年薪30-36万元(不含学校缴纳的保险及公积金); 3.配套科研启动经费60万元; 4.协助解决子女入托入学等生活问题。 预聘助理教授(特别副研究员): 1.授予特别副研究员称号,聘任为硕士生导师,提供硕士生专项招生指标,具有申报博士生导师资格; 2.聘期内实行年薪制,年薪20-24万元(不含学校缴纳的保险及公积金); 3.配套科研启动经费40万元; 4.协助解决子女入托入学等生活问题。 (三)博士后研究人员 博士后研究人员在站期间薪酬为10-26万元/年,依岗位不同有所差别。 1. National "Youth Thousand Talents Program" (1) Upon working, central government gives a subsidy of 500 thousand RMB per person and 1 to 3 millions' research subsidy. For those who are Chinese, BIT helps them to hold a Beijing household registration. (2) BIT appoints the person selected as professor or doctoral supervisor. BIT also offers specific quotas for graduate students'enrollment. (3) BIT offers 1:1 research funds in compliance with the national standard, and laboratories. (4) During the employment, an annual salary of 350 to 420 thousand RMB and 500 thousand RMB's housing subsidy will be offered. (5) BIT helps with rented apartments for transitional period; if it is needed, a two-bedroom apartment can be bought. (6) BIT helps solve the education problems for children and other problems in the daily life. (责任编辑:admin) |